Friday, October 29, 2010


FABULOUS WEEK WITH SOME SUPER PEOPLE! We are heading back to North America tomorrow, leaving this side of the world. We arrived Kyrgyzstan in early September and leave tomorrow for home. Yet really where is home? Is it Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Canada, USA? Where is home.

We leave here saddened yet rejoicing in all that is happening within the field of child welfare. God has called us to this work and we are amazed at how different threads of the tapastry are woven together with so many different people.

Four very young staff here - working hard to make a difference - committed to Ukraine Without Orphans. One very young staff in Kyrgyzstan working deligently to ensure there is a Kyrgyzstan Without Orphans and all the other people who help us on the ground. NGO's, churches, pastors, teachers, volunteers, other missionaries and even the families and children we serve. And of course our wonderful team and partners.

Then there are all of you - our sponsors who encourage us - when the day ends and we put our heads on the pillow and in the dark of the night - and cry out from the deepest parts of our hearts about the hurts we see, the pain we feel and the hopelessness we so want to stop...we think of your words, your gifts and your consistent caring about those we love.

We are ending time with our Ukraine team - heading to a warm, comfortable and beautiful home. But our hearts? We already CRAVE TO RETURN. It is what it is.

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